Buy, sell, and
showcase NFTs

Pix Auction is a huge MVC based marketplace, dedicated to connecting great artists with their fans and unique token collectors!

Best Creators & Sellers of

Best sellers of the week's NFTs

Steven Townsend @StreetBoy
Tiffany Betancourt @CutieGirl
Jacqueline Burns @ButterFly
Mari Harrington @NorseQueen
Floyd Glasgow @BigBull
Donna Schultz @Angel
Joshua Morris @CrazyAnyone
Rosaria Vargas @Princess
Carl Williams @LooserBad

Pix is a web3 destination.

Pix Auction is a huge MVC based marketplace, dedicated to connecting great artists with their fans and unique token collectors!

Create Item

If the distribution of letters and 'words' is random, the reader will not be distracted from making.


If the distribution of letters and 'words' is random, the reader will not be distracted from making.

Sell Item

If the distribution of letters and 'words' is random, the reader will not be distracted from making.

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Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH
Price 3.5 ETH
Highest Bid 3.55 ETH

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Pix Auction is a huge MVC based marketplace, dedicated to connecting great artists with their fans and unique token collectors!


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Pix Auction is a huge MVC based marketplace, dedicated to connecting great artists with their fans and unique token collectors!